Ville Laitinen

Towards sustainable society -6 different viewpoints of  the MFG4.0 research presented at Strategic Research Scientific Conference

Towards sustainable society -6 different viewpoints of  the MFG4.0 research presented at Strategic Research Scientific Conference

The Strategic Research conference brings together scholars from different research fields with a common interest in exploring responses to societal challenges in a fair, just, and sustainable society. The conference will foster an exchange of ideas, approaches, and insights between the disciplines.


Strategic Research – Scientific Conference:
 A fair, just and sustainable society


12 October 2022 – 13 October 2022

Epicenter, Mikonkatu 9, Helsinki

Our researchers will present abstracts on the following themes:

Additive Manufacturing Point-of-View to Firm Resilience

Presenter:Mikael Collan

Resilience is the ability of firms to cope with sudden and dramatic changes in the business environment. Typically, firms with the flexibility to change how they operate in terms of what they produce and how they work are less vulnerable to dramatic changes than companies with fixed architectures and product assortments.

This presentation talks about the manufacturing and national resilience that is created through added manufacturing. When fleets of additive manufacturing equipment are harnessed to provide critical manufacturing in times of crisis, they are a source of resilience. This requires preparation and active orchestration.

Mikael Collan

Professor at LUT University, Director General at VATT (Institute for Economic Research)

Towards sustainability in the metal industry using 3D printing

Presenter: Jyrki Savolainen
Co-authors: Ilkka Poutiainen, Marika Hirvimäki, Kari Ullakko, Ville Laitinen

The interest in additive manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D printing, has grown enormously over the last decade. AM is a novel way to produce unique parts offering new business opportunities and improved environmental sustainability of production. The current literature on AM emphasizes its positive effects on the sustainability of global production supply chains. We claim that the AM design and production can either positively or negatively influence the final product’s overall cost and resource efficiency.

Metal powders for AM are expensive, and manufacturing these powders consumes significantly more energy than sheet or bar materials. In this paper, we discuss how cost-effectiveness and sustainability are achieved when parts are redesigned using, e.g., lattice structures, an optimal printing position, and minimizing the need for post-processing.

Jyrki Savolainen

Post Doctoral Researcher at LUT University

Towards General Theory of Sustainable Development: Systematic Digital Twin Operationalisation of the Grand Sustainability Theory

Presenter: Jari Kaivo-oja

Co-authors: Jyrki Luukkanen, Jarmo Vehmas & Tadht O ́MahonyAcross decades of contemporary discussion on sustainable development, a core debate has concerned whether economic growth can be made sustainable, environmentally and socially.
In recent years, this has become a debate about economic growth versus economic degrowth, whether the former can be environmentally sustainable and whether the latter can be socially sustainable. In the presentation, the author presents the general theory of sustainable growth and development and links the use of the model to the development challenges of digital twins.

This developed theory can be used in national sustainability assessment and planning, as well as in regional policy or urban planning. The model forms the core of sustainable development or sustainability science.

Jari Kaivo-oja

Research Director, Dr, Adjunct Professorat University of Turku

Towards a Sustainable Portfolio Theory - Foresight-driven strategic asset allocation and SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) alignment

Presenter: Ville Korpela
Co-authors: Jari Kaivo-oja, Arne Fagerström & Petri Kuusisto

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) has formed the core theoretical basis for asset allocation strategies of institutional investors for several decades. Recently, there have been wider calls among practitioners and the academic community to extend the existing theory to include broader impacts on the societal level to align investment practices globally with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the paper, we discuss an outline for a sustainable portfolio theory (SPT) by extending the existing modern portfolio theory (MPT). Our objective is to demonstrate a relationship between the values businesses create and the impact investors are capturing.

Ville Korpela

PhD Researcher, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku

Visionary-Thinking in Sustainable Industrial Development in Finland - The Case of Allied ICT Finland ́s Vision-Building Processy

Presenter: Mikkel Knudsen
Co-authors: Jari Kaivo-oja & Tero Villman

Europe must renew itself to retain its 35 million industrial jobs in an increasingly fierce global competition. The industrial renewal must happen in concerto with bold ambitions for the twin, green and digital transitions, and it must be executed within the modern VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) decision environment. Our research highlights potential pathways for Finnish industry and steps for the Finnish government, businesses, and society. Based on the visioning process, Industry 6.0 is defined as “ubiquitous, customer-driven, virtualized, antifragile manufacturing”. It is characterized by customer-centric, highly customized lot-size-1 thinking and by hyper-connected factories with dynamic supply chains and data flows across domains.

Mikkel Knudsen

Project Researcher, Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) M.Sc. (Pol. Science) University of Turku

The challenges of long-term development for Finnish education and education policy to meet the demands of Manufacturing 4.0

Presenter: Maarit Virolainen
Co-author: Juhani Rautopuro

The so-called Manufacturing 4.0, sets needs to reform education, and they relate to the following three points: (1) to define, picture, and design what kind of reforms and for which parts of the education system and curricula are needed to instil fair, just and sustainable society and adapt to the change of technology in society, (2) to assess and evaluate, if the targeted change has been met in the learning of various learner groups before and after the reform. The presentation discusses the latest reforms in education and the role of research in identifying developmental education needs.

Maarit Virolainen

Project Researcher PhD (Adult education), MA (Social sciences) at University of Jyväskylä

The newest MFG4.0 dissertation reveals the potential of additive manufacturing for facilitating the development of magnetic shape memory alloy actuators

The newest MFG4.0 dissertation reveals the potential of additive manufacturing for facilitating the development of magnetic shape memory alloy actuators

MSc Ville Laitinen will defend his dissertation in the field of Technical Physics at LUT University. His doctoral thesis is titled Laser powder bed fusion for the manufacture of Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy actuators.

It consists of a series of experimental investigations:  a laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing process and a subsequent heat-treatment process were developed for the manufacture of functional polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga-based magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloy.


Ville Laitinen

Junior Researcher,
LUT University

Image: Laitinen, V., Saren, A., Sozinov, A. and Ullakko, K., 2021. Giant 5.8% magnetic-field-induced strain in additive manufactured Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy. Scripta Materialia, 208, p.114324.

The findings demonstrate that the chemical composition and resulting MSM-related properties of the L-PBF-built Ni-Mn-Ga can be precisely changed in-situ by adjusting the applied L-PBF process parameters to control the selective evaporation of Mn. A repeatable and fully reversible magnetic-field-induced strain of 5.8% is demonstrated for a single crystalline grain of an L-PBF-built Ni-Mn-Ga.

Practically, the reported results will permit the exploration of polycrystalline-MSM-based devices with a geometric freedom that has thus far been impossible with conventional manufacturing methods.

The results suggest that additive manufacturing can facilitate miniaturization and simplification of electromechanical devices in which traditional mechanisms and piezoelectric materials are impractical.


The dissertation will take place  at LUT University on 3rd of December 2021 at 12pm(UTC+2).

The dissertation will take place  at LUT University on 3rd of December 2021 at 12pm(UTC+2).

Professor Inigo Flores Ituarte Tampere University
Professor Ilkka Tittonen Aalto University

Professor Kari Ullakko of LUT University


additive manufacturing, 4D printing, laser powder bed fusion, Ni-Mn-Ga, magnetic shape memory, magnetic-field-induced strain, twinning

MFG4.0-tutkijat ja -professorit syventämässä yhteistyötä Trenton yliopiston kanssa


Maanantaina 6.5. MFG4.0-hankkeen edustajat tutustuivat Trenton yliopiston ingegneria industriale -laitoksen toimintaan Povossa.

Povon vierailulla nähtiin esitykset, jotka keskittyivät LUT-yliopiston toimintaan analytiikan, robotiikan, ma-teriaalia lisäävän valmistuksen sekä materiaalifysiikan aloilla. Esitykset antoivat trentolaisille kuvan MFG4.0-hankkeesta ja erityisesti sen teknis-taloudellisesta osiosta.

LUT-yliopiston esitykset ( WP2,WP3):

Tiistaina 7.5.2019 MFG4.0-hankeen edustajat tutustuivat Roveretossa (noin 30 kilometriä Trentosta) sijaitsevan Polo Meccatronican toimintaan.
Kyseinen yksikkö on keskittynyt erityisesti valmistustekniikan kehittämiseen ja yritysyhteistyössä toteutettavien projektien läpivientiin.

Povoon sijoittuvissa tiloissa sijaitsee suuri osa materiaalitutkimukseen liittyvästä mittauslaitteistoista. Lisäksi rakennukseen on sijoitettu komposiittimateriaalien tutkimus.

Jatkona vierailulle Antti Salminen ja Ville Laitinen saivat kutsut osallistua heinäkuussa 2019 Roveretossa järjestettävään workshoppiin, joka keskittyy materiaalia lisäävään valmistukseen (engl. Additive Manufacturing).

Samalla yliopistojen yhteenlasketun laitekannan ja osaamisen todettiin täydentävän hyvin toisiaan, mikä avaa yhteistyömahdollisuuksia väitöskirjaopiskelija- / tutkijavaihdon kautta.

MFG4.0:n 3D-workshop Savonlinnassa

MFG4.0:n 3D-workshop Savonlinnassa

MFG 4.0 oli esillä Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun (XAMK) 29.1.2019 Savonlinnassa järjestämässä workshopissa, jossa pyrittiin kartoittamaan materiaalia lisäävään valmistukseen ja 3D-tulostukseen
liittyviä alueellisia kehitystarpeita ja mahdollisuuksia.

LUT-yliopiston nuorempi tutkija Ville Laitinen (WP2) esitti workshopissa teknologiakatsauksen materiaalia lisäävästä valmistuksesta ja 3D-tulostuksesta, keskittyen erityisesti alan nykytilaan ja mahdollisuuksiin valmistavassa teollisuudessa.