Projektin tuottamia julkaisuja ja julkaisuja, joissa projektissa toimivat henkilöt ovat mukana. Publications by the project and where project participants have been actively involved.


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Taustapaperi analytiikan ja digitalisaation koulutuksesta

Tietopoliitiikan valmistelua varten tehty taustapaperi, jossa pohditaan lyhyesti analytiikan ja digitalisaation koulutusta ja koulutuksen trendejä / muutostarpeita jatkossa.

MFG4.0 publications


Bzhalava, L., Kaivo-oja, J. & Hassan, S. S. (2024) Digital Business Foresight: Keyword-based Analysis and CorEx Topic Modelling. Futures, Vol 155, Article 103303. ©Elsevier

D´Arcangelo, C., Morreale, Mittone, L., and Collan, M., 2023, Ignorance is bliss? Information and risk on crowdfunding platforms, PLoS ONE, 18, 6, e0286876

Collan, M., 2023, The Finnish price of electricity-transfer dilemma – pricing driven by the regulation model, Abstract, XVII Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation, Energy for the future society, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 20.-21.4.2023, Riga, Latvia

Collan, M., & Savolainen, J. (2023). Profitability Analysis and Financial Evaluation of Projects. In G. Giannattasio, E. Kongar, M. Dabić, C. Desmond, M. Condry, S. Koushik, D. Petri, & R. Saracco, IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Body of Knowledge (TEMSBOK). Wiley.

Collan, M., 2023, The Finnish price of electricity-transfer dilemma – pricing driven by the regulation model, Abstract, XVII Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation, Energy for the future society, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 20.-21.4.2023, Riga, Latvia

Collan, M., Savolainen, J., Virolainen, V-M., and Luukka, P., 2023, A vision for a highly automated digital local manufacturing network – solutions and challenges, in Huang, C-Y., Dekkers, R., Chiu, SF, Popescu, D., and Quezada, L. (Eds.), 2023, Intelligent and Transformative Production in Pandemic Times – Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Production Research, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, 377-384, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 

Haukioja Teemu, Kaivo-oja Jari, Vähäsantanen Saku, Karppinen Ari (2023) Teollisuusrakenteeseen pohjautuvat älykkään erikoistumisen indikaattorit Suomen seutukunnissa – liikennevaloanalogia strategisen aluekehitystyö tueksi. Teoksessa Kirsi Purhonen (toim.) Maaseudun yritykset tietotaloudessa – mahdollisuuksia ja kehittämiskohteita. X-Amk tutkii 26. X-Amk. Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu. Mikkeli, s. 39-60. 

Ihamäki, Pirita & Kaivo-oja, Jari (2024) Organizational Learning Challenges in e-Learning: Critical Success Factors Identified by SMEs to Ensure Economic Growth in the European Union. Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2024, 4-5 April 2024, Berlin, Germany. Forthcoming in the Conference Proceedings, Springer.  18 p.

Järvinen, Minna Riikka & Kaivo-oja, Jari (2023) Sivistysideaali vaatii uudelleentarkastelua. Tieteessä tapahtuu. Vol. 41, No. 4, ss. 41-46. Saatavilla. Noudettu osoitteesta

Kaivo-oja, Jari & Roth, Steffen (2023) Strategic Foresight for Competitive Advantage: A Future-oriented Business and Competitive Analysis Techniques Selection Model.  International Journal of Forensic Engineering and Management. Forthcoming. ©Inderscience Publishers. 37 pages. 

O´Mahony, Tadgh, Kaivo-oja, Jari, Luukkanen, Jyrki & Vehmas, Jarmo (2023) Time to Build a New Practice of Foresight for National Economies? Ireland, and Uncertain Futures in Forecasts and Scenarios. Foresight. The Journal of Futures Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy ©Emerald. Forthcoming. 

Reiman, A.,Kaivo-oja,J., Parviainen, Elina.,  Takala,E-P,  and  Lauraéus, T.  (2023) Human Work in the Shift to Industry 4.0: A Road Map to the Management of Technological Changes in Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 1-18. ©Taylor & Francis,


Roth, Steffen, Kaivo-oja, Jari, van Assche, Kristof & Dahms, Harry F. (2023) Expressions of Untruth, Suppressions of Truth. A 21st Century Reintroduction to “Simulation and Dissimulation”. Futures. Volume 155, January 2024, Article. 103283. 


Acierno, A., Mostafaei, A., Toman, J., Kimes, K., Boin, M., Wimpory, R., Laitinen, V., Saren, A., Ullakko, K. and Chmielus, M., 2022. Characterizing Changes in Grain Growth, Mechanical Properties, and Transformation Properties in Differently Sintered and Annealed Binder-Jet 3D Printed 14M Ni–Mn–Ga Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys. Metals, 12(5), p.724.

Bzhalava, Levan, Hassan, Sohaib S. Kaivo-oja, Jari, Olsson, Bengt Köping & Imran, Javed (2022) Mapping the Wave of Industry Digitalization by Co-Word Analysis: An Exploration of Four Disruptive Industries. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. Vol. 19, No. 2. Article 2250001 (2022). Open Access by:0

Bzhalava, Levan, Kaivo-oja, Jari & Hassan, Sohaib S.  (2022) Identifying Entrepreneurial Discovery Processes with Weak and Strong Technology Signals: A Text Mining Approach [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations in a scientific journal]. This article is included in the Excellent Science Gateway (the Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions). Forthcoming in Futures. Web:

Fernandes, Meenakshi, Heflich, Aleksandra, Andersen, Tina, Lunkeit, Andreas Bjerre, Kaivo-oja, Jari, Schmidt-Kessen, Maria José (2022) How to Stress-test EU policies: Building a More Resilient Europe for Tomorrow. European Parliament, Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services, Brussels. 116 p.
Ikezumi, Yukie, Knudsen, Mikkel Stein & Kaivo-oja, Jari (2022) Plausible 6G Futures: Scenarios for the Future MNO Business Environment in the 6G Era. In: Uden, L., Ting, IH., Feldmann, B. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organisations. KMO 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1593. Springer, Cham.  


Kaivo-oja, Jari, Knudsen, Mikkel Stein & Lauraéus, Theresa (2022) Future Avenues of Digital Transformation: Next Steps? Chapter 10 in the book “Public Innovation and Digital Transformation” in Hannele Väyrynen, Nina Helander & Harri Jalonen (Eds) Public Innovation and Digital Transformation. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group. Available for purchase on August 8, 2022. Web: 


Kaivo-oja, Jari & Santonen, Teemu (2023a). Global Megatrends and Global GDP in 2004–2021: An Empirical Big Data Look at John Naisbitt’s 12 Key Global Megatrend Variables and Global GDP PPP. In: Uden, L., Ting, IH. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organisations. KMO 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1825. Springer, Cham. Available:  

Kaivo-oja, Jari & Santonen, Teemu (2023b). Corruption Control in the BRICS and in the G7 Countries: A Benchmarking Study with World Bank Data Files from Years 1996–2021. In: Uden, L., Ting, IH. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organisations. KMO 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1825. Springer, Cham.

Kaivo-oja, Jari & Stenvall, Jari (2022) A Critical Reassessment: The European Cloud University Platform and New Challenges of the Quartet Helix Collaboration in the European University System. European Integration Studies, Vol. 16. No. 1, pp. 9-23. Available: file:///C:/Users/Omistaja/Downloads/A_Critical_Reassessment_The_European_Cloud_Univers.pdf

Kaivo-oja, Jari & Santonen, Teemu (2022) Päätöksentekotilanteet ja sosiaalinen systeemiteoria ennakointitoiminnassa ja tulevaisuuden tutkimuksessa. Osio Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen menetelmiä, Systeemiajattelu ja toimintaympäristön tarkastelu. Teoksessa Aalto, Hanna-Kaisa, Heikkilä, Katariina, Keski-Pukkila, Pasi, Mäki, Maija & Pöllänen, Markus (toim.) (2022) Tulevaisuudentutkimus tutuksi – perusteita ja menetelmiä. TVA-julkaisuja 1/2022. Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen Verkostoakatemia. Turku, s. 89-104. Saatavilla:

Kaivo-oja, Jari, Santonen, Teemu, Knudsen, Mikkel Stein & Lauraéus, Theresa (2022) Google Big Data Trend Index Analysis of Industry 4.0 Technologies: Technology and Key Concept Trends of Global Landscape in 2004–2021. In: Uden, L., Ting, IH., Feldmann, B. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organisations. KMO 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1593. Springer, Cham.

Kaivo-oja, Jari, Vehmas, Jarmo & Luukkanen, Jyrki (2022) Economic Growth and Circular Economy in the European Union: Novel Empirical Synergy Analyses Between Key Variables of Circular Economy and Gross Domestic Growth (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI). OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 15, No. 05, pp. 23-36. 

Kozlova, M. & Scott Yeomans, J. (Eds.), 2022., Analysis and Environmental Decision-Making Using Simulation, Optimization, and Computational Analytics, Sustainability

Kulagin, I., Li, M., Laitinen, V. and Handroos, H. (2022). Review of MSM actuators: applications, challenges, and potential. IEEE Access, 10, pp.83841-83850. 

Kumbure, M.M., Luukka, P., Tarkiainen, A., Stoklasa, J., Jantunen, A., 2022, An investigation of hidden shared linkages among perceived causal relationships in cognitive maps.  In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham. pp. 17-36, 

Laitinen V, Saren A, Sozinov A, Ullakko, K. (2022). Giant 5.8% magnetic-field-induced strain in additive manufactured Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy. Scripta Materialia 208 p. 114324. r

Lohrmann, A., Lohrmann, C., Luukka, P., 2022, A region-based approach for missing value imputation of cooling technologies for the global thermal power plant fleet using a decision tree classifier, In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham. pp. 93-125.

Lohrmann, C., Luukka, P. (2022). Fuzzy Similarity and Entropy (FSAE) Feature Selection Revisited by Using Intra-class Entropy and a Normalized Scaling Factor. In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham.

Luukka, P. & Stoklasa, J. (2022). Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing book series. volume 415.

Mankinen, T., Stoklasa, J., Luukka, P. (2022). Predicting Short-Term Traffic Speed and Speed Drops in the Urban Area of a Medium-Sized European City—A Traffic Control and Decision Support Perspective. In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham., pp. 163-187,

Milleret, A., Laitinen, V., Ullakko, K., Fenineche, N. and Attallah, M.M. (2022). Laser powder bed fusion of (14 M) Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy lattices. Additive Manufacturing, 60, p.103231.

Naeem, M., Ahmed, S. (2022). Hedging Effectiveness of Currency ETFs Against WTI Crude Oil Price Fluctuations. In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham.

Namvari, M., Laitinen, V., Sozinov, A., Saren, A. and Ullakko, K. (2023). Effects of 1 at.% additions of Co, Fe, Cu, and Cr on the properties of Ni-Mn-Ga-based magnetic shape memory alloys. Scripta Materialia, 224, p. 115116.

Ruponen, I., Kozlova,M.  & Collan. M. (2022). “Ex-Ante Study of Biofuel Policies–Analyzing Policy-Induced FlexibilitySustainability 14, no. 1: 147

Santonen, Teemu & Kaivo-oja, Jari (2022) Joukkoistamis-Delfoi: Ennakointimenetelmä asiantuntijoiden ja suuren yleisön väliseen yhteistyöhön. Tulevaisuudentutkimus tutuksi – perusteita ja menetelmiä. Teoksessa Aalto, Hanna-Kaisa, Heikkilä, Katariina, Keski-Pukkila, Pasi, Mäki, Maija & Pöllänen, Markus (toim.) (2022) Tulevaisuudentutkimus tutuksi – perusteita ja menetelmiä. TVA-julkaisuja 1/2022. Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen Verkostoakatemia. Turku, s. 198-217.

Santonen, Teemu & Kaivo-oja, Jari (2022) The Crowdsourcing Delphi: A Method for Combing Expert Judgements and Wisdom of Crowds. In: Uden, L., Ting, IH., Feldmann, B. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organisations. KMO 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1593. Springer, Cham. 

 Soukko, L., Lohrmann, C., Luukka, P. (2022). A Neural Network Based Multi-class Trading Strategy for the S&P 500 Index. In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham. pp. 127-161,

Stoklasa, J., Kozlova, M. (2022). A New Framework for Multiple-Criteria Decision Making: The Baseline Approach. In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham.

Stoklasa, J., Luukka, P. & Collan, M. (2022). On the relationship between possibilistic and standard moments of fuzzy numbers. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.

Stoklasová, J., Talášek, T., Stoklasa, J. (2022). Attitude-Based Multi-expert Evaluation of Design. In: Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 415. Springer, Cham.

Urbani,M., Brunelli, M. & Punkka, A (2022). An approach for bi-objective maintenance scheduling on a networked system with limited resources,
European Journal of Operational Research.


Georgescu, I., Kinnunen, J., and Collan, M., (2021).New credibilistic real option model based on the pessimism-optimism character of a decision-maker, in Sharma, N., Chakrabarti, A., Balas, V.E., Bruckstein, A.M. (Eds.), 2021, Data Management, Analytics and Innovation, Proceedings of the ICDMAI 2021, Volume 2. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 71, 55-68, Springer

Ihalainen, A., Ahmed, S., Pätäri, E., Volatility Risk Premium and European Equity Index Returns, Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 29, (2021), pp. 19-28.

Kaivo-oja, J. (2021). Ennokoiva liiketoimintaosaaminen ja sen kehittäminen yhteiskunnan eri tasoisissa toiminoissa, Futura, 40(2).

Kaivo-oja, J., Aho, S., & Lauraeus, T., (2021). European COVID-19 pandemia data and social inclusion policy in the European Union: Drivers-driven trend analysis. Economics and Culture, 18(1).

Kaivo-oja, J., Lauraeus, T. & Knudsen, M.S. (2021). Global Export Strategy of “Born Global” Companies, Business Modeling, and Dynamic Capabilities: Eight Knowledge Management Cases of Country and City Data Analysis. KMO 2021 Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1438, 225-236.

Kumbure, M.M., Luukka, P., Using the generalized fuzzy k-nearest neighbor classifier for biomass feedstocks classification, Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems,16,  29, (2021), pp. 29-35.

Laitinen V, Sozinov A, Saren A, Chmielus M, Ullakko, K. (2021). Characterization of as-built and heat-treated Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy manufactured via laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 39 p.101854. 

Lauraeus, T., Kaivo-oja, J., Knudsen, M.S. & Kuokkanen, K. (2021). Market Structure analysis with Herfindahl-Hirschman Index and Lauraeus-Kaivo-oja Indices in the Global Cobotics Markets, Economics and Culture, 18(1).

Lauraéus, T., Tinnilä, M., Kaivo-oja, J. (2021). Suomen tulevaisuuden kasvu- ja liiketoimintapotentiaalit. Teknologiakehitys ja innovaatioiden uudenlaiset käyttömahdollisuudet kuluttajille ja liiketoiminnalle.Tutu eJulkaisuja 2/2021

Leppioja, M., Luukka, P., Lohrmann, C., Image based classification of shipments using transfer learning, Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems,16,  29, (2021), pp. 37-44.

Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J., Similarity based TOPSIS with lingistic-quantifier based aggregation using OWA, Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 29, (2021), pp. 45-51.

Jan Stoklasa,J. Pasi Luukka. P, and Maria Ganzha, M. (eds.) (2021). Recent Advances in Business Analytics Selected papers of the 2021 KNOWCON-NSAIS workshop on Business Analytics. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems.November 11-12, 2021 Olomouc, Czech Republic,Volume 29.

Milojević,A., Linß,S., & Handroos,H.  (2021).Soft Robotic Compliant Two-Finger Gripper Mechanism for Adaptive and Gentle Food Handling.  IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Robotics, 2021

Michelsen, K.-E., Collan,M., Savolainen,J.,Ritala,P. (2021). Changing Manufacturing Landscape: From a Factory to a Network. Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices
Applications of Industry 4.0

Panzeri, S.M., Stoklasova, J., Stoklasa, J., The voter’s guide to the galaxy—a multiple-criteria fuzzy decision-support
tool for voters and a fresh take on election survey methods, Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 29, (2021), pp. 7-18.

Reiman, A., Kaivo-oja, J., Parviainen, E., Takala, E.P., & Lauraeus, T. (2021). Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 Context – A Scoping Review. Technology in Society. Forthcoming. ©Elsevier.

Reiman, A., Parviainen, E., Lauraeus, T., Takala, E.P. & Kaivo-oja, J. (2021). ERGO 2030 – tiekartta ihmisen huomioimiseen suunniteltaessa ja sovellettaessa uutta teknologiaa teollisuudessa. TUTU e-Julkaisuja 03/2021.

Roozbahani,H., Alizadeh,M., Handroos,H. & Salminen,A. (2021). Color Laser Marking: Repeatability, Stability and Resistance Against Mechanical, Chemical and Environmental Effects, IEEE Access,

Roozbahani, H., Alizadeh,M., Ahomäki,A. & Handroos,H. (2021). Coordinate-based control for a materials handling equipment utilizing real-time simulation, Automation in construction.

Savolainen, J. & Collan, M. (2021). Using meta-models in simulation-based investment analysis – studying the financing mix of metal mining investments. Fuzzy Economic Review, 25, 1, 51-66

Savolainen. J., and Stein Knudsen. M. (2021). Contrasting Digital Twin Vision of Manufacturing with the Industrial Reality. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, September, 1–18.

Savolainen, J., & Urbani, M. (2021). Maintenance optimization for a multi-unit system with digital twin simulation – Example from the mining industry. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.

Sharma,V., Roozbahani, H.,  Alizadeh, M. & Handroos, H.(2021). 3D Printing of Plant-Derived Compounds and a Proposed Nozzle Design for the More Effective 3D FDM Printing, IEEE Access,

Stoklasova, J., Interval-valued semantic differential in multiple criteria and multi-expert evaluation context: possible benefits and application areas, Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 29, (2021), pp. 53-62.

Stoklasa, J., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., (2021). Possibilistic Fuzzy Pay-off Method for Real Option Valuation with Application to Research and Development Investment Analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 409, 153-169

Zakrytnoy, S., Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J., Material demand forecasting with classical and fuzzy time series models. Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 29, (2021), pp. 1-6.

Welling, F., Stoklasa, J., Possible drivers of high performance of European mutual ESG funds—an
fsQCA view on sustainable investing, Recent Advances in Business Analytics, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 29, (2021), pp. 63-74.



Bodnárová, L., Zelený, M., Sedlák, P., Straka, L., Heczko, O., Sozinov, A. and H. Seiner. H Switching the soft shearing mode orientation in Ni–Mn–Ga non-modulated martensite by Co and Cu doping. Smart Materials and Structures 29, no. 4 (2020) 045022.

Chulist, R., Nalepka, K. and Sozinov, A. Hierarchical twin microstructure in modulated 10M Ni–Mn-Ga single crystals. An analysis including shuffling of atomic layers. International Journal of Plasticity 126 (2020) 102628.

Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK

Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E, 2020, Closing words – Quo Vadis Manufacturing 4.0, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK

Collan, M. and Savolainen, J., 2020, To Phase or Not to Phase: Quantifying the Effect of Phasing Construction Projects, Nordic Journal of Business, 69, 1, 66-86

Hietanen, L., Kozlova, M., and Collan, M., 2020, Analyzing renewable energy policies – using the pay-off method to study the Finnish auction-based renewable energy policy, Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters, 4, 2, 50-56

Hiilamo, H.(2020)”How to reform the Nordic welfarestate model to endure equality in wake of  automatization” in Janne Holmen (eds). Nordic Welfarestate Anthology, Routledge  

Hiilamo, H.(2020)”Ilmastonmuutos, kestävyysvaje ja sotu-uudistus.” Juhlaluento, 27.1. 2020, Yhtesikuntapolitiikka, 85(2), 197-203            

Hiilamo, H. and Aaltonen, H., 2020, Modelling the Societal Division of Added Value Created Through Manufacturing 4.0 Expert Interviews in South Korea, Germany and the Netherlands, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK

Hiilamo, H. & Lehmus-Sun, A.(2020) ” Tuleeko ongella kaloja?” Kansantaloustieteellinen aikausikirja, 106(1), 30-45      

Jyrkiäinen, J. & Hiilamo,H.(2020) “Automaatio tulee onko virkamies valmis? Valtion henkilöstön kokemat valmiudet kohdata työelämän murros.” Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 85(3),233-246

Kaivo-oja, J., Mikkel Stein Knudsen M.S., and Lauraeus, T., 2020 Coping with Technological Changes: Regional and National Preparedness in Face of Technical Change, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK     

Kaivo-oja, J., Knudsen, M.S., Lauraeus, T. & Kuusi, O. (2020). Future Knowledge Management Challenges: Digital Twins Approach and Synergy Measurements. Management Studies, 8 (2).                          

Kaivo-oja, J., Knudsen, M.S. & Lauraeus, T. Digital Twin:  Current Shifts and their future implications. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology. Accepted for publication.     

Kaivo-oja, J., Lauraeus, T. & Knudsen, M.S. Global Export Strategy of the “Born Global” Companies, Business Modelling, and Dynamic Capabilities: Eight Knowledge Management Cases of Country and City Data Analytics. (Accepted for KMO2020)            

Kesse M. A, Buah, E., Handroos, H. and Godwin K Ayetor, G. K. (2020) Development of an Artificial Intelligence Powered TIG Welding Algorithm for the Prediction of Bead Geometry for TIG Welding Processes using Hybrid Deep Learning, Metals 2020, 10(4), 451

Kinnunen J., Georgescu, I., and Collan, M., 2020, Center of gravity real options method based on interval-valued fuzzy numbers, in Kahraman, C., Onar, S., Oztaysi, B., Sari, I., Cebi, S., Tolga, A. (Eds.), Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques: Smart and Innovative Solutions – Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS2020), Istanbul, Turkey, 21-23. July, 2020., 1292-1300, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1197, Springer

Knudsen, M.S. & Kaivo-oja, J. (Accepted for publication). Collaborative Robots: Frontiers of Current Literature. Journal of Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applicants.                          

Korpela, M., Riikonen, N., Piili, H., Salminen, A. and Nyrhilä, O., 2020, Additive Manufacturing—Past, Present, and the Future, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK    

Kustov, S., Saren, A., Sozinov, A., Kaminskii, V. and Ullakko. K. Ultrahigh damping and Young’s modulus softening due to a/b twins in 10M Ni-Mn-Ga martensite. Scripta Materialia 178 (2020) 483-488.                        

Kyläheiko, K., and Maijanen, P., 2020 Industry 4.0. Transformation Challenge in Light of Dynamic Capabilities, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK

Laitinen, V., Merabtene,M., Stevens, E., Chmielus, M., Van Humbeeck,J. and Ullakko, K., 2020, Additive Manufacturing from the Point of View of Materials Research, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK     

Laitinen, V., Sozinov, A., Saren, A., Chmielus, M. and Ullakko, K Characterization of as-deposited and heat-treated Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy manufactured via laser powder bed fusion. Manuscript in preparation.                        

Laitinen, V., Sozinov, A., Saren, A., Salminen, A. and K. Ullakko. Effect of post-process heat treatment on microstructure and properties of a Ni-Mn-Ga alloy deposited using laser powder bed fusion. TMS2020: 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego (USA), 23-27 February 2020.

Lauraeus, T., Kaivo-oja, J. & Tinnilä, M. (2020). Innovation Business Models and Strategies for the Growing Business of Future Innovative Technologies. The 4th TECHNIUM International Conference, e-conference, Romania 30.5.2020.                    

Lauraeus, T., Tinnilä, M. & Kaivo-oja, J. (2020). Future Consumer Value Creation, Intelligent Products, Services and Practices Developed of Technology Innovations for Different Environments and Society: The Health Care, Consumption, the Elderly, Home, Traffic, Industry. The 4th TECHNIUM International Conference, e-conference, Romania, 30.5.2020.                          

Lauraeus, T., Tinnilä, M. & Kaivo-oja, J. (2020). A Foresight of Innovations in Mobility and Logistics for Future Business Potential: Future Economic Growth and Potential Innovative Business Opportunities. The 4th TECHNIUM International Conference, e-conference, Romania, 30.5.2020.               

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