Laser & AM LAB, LUT University

LUT University
LUT School of Energy Systems
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Group of Laser Material Processing and Additive Manufacturing, LUT Laser & 3DP

LUT Laser & AM LAB Presentation

Head of the research group

Prof. Heidi Piili,
[email protected]
+358 4055 10710

Research of laser processing since 1985 and research of 3D printing since 2009

The focus of the research in the 1980s and 1990s was laser welding, laser cladding, laser surface treatments, etc., in the 2000s the focus was on laser welding and cutting and in the 2010s the focus was on laser welding and 3D printing

Staff (11.5.2020): 12 persons, 10 of them are working with additive manufacturing: 1 Professor, 1 Post-doc Researcher, 2 Project Researchers, 2 Postgraduate Students, 1 Laboratory Engineer, 1 Operator, 1 Master’s Thesis worker, 3 Research Assistants
